ORCID 2023 Annual Report

ORCID is a global not-for-profit community-based organization made up of more than 1,300 member organizations. In 2023, 145 organizations became new members, with 116 of these new members joining as consortia members. Two new consortia were also formed in June 2023, one of which is the Czech National ORCID Centre, which currently has 22 members.

Member organisations add verified data to their researchers’ profiles, helping to uniquely identify them and link them to their publications and affiliations, while enhancing the credibility of these profiles. The ORCID Registry is an open source of profile data that is linked to nearly 5,400 systems across the scientific ecosystem.

In 2023, the ORCID Certified Service Provider Program was launched, allowing member organizations to take advantage of ready-made integrations into the systems they use. The program defines best practices for ORCID integration. DERS was one of 10 certified providers with an OBD system.

Some of the ORCID certified providers were featured in the “Enabling Value: Showcasing ORCID Enabled Scholarly Service Providers” webinar series. The webinar series for member organizations “I’m a Member, Now What?!” also continued. In these webinars, organizations can learn about the different forms of support available to them, learn how to use the Member Portal or Affiliation Manager, learn about recommended workflows or materials to promote ORCID iD, among other things.

Together with other persistent identifier providers Crossref, DataCite and ROR, ORCID has organised a series of webinars and events as part of the “Better Together” campaign. It also contributed to the publication “Guide for funders to support FAIR workflows“, which aims to help funders demonstrate how to streamline their workflows using persistent identifiers.

All webinars were delivered via the Zoom events platform, which supports live captioning in multiple languages, including Czech.

Recordings of all webinars are available on the ORCID On-Demand page.

In 2023, we may have seen some changes to the ORCID profiles. This was the merging of the categories of “Membership”, “Service”, “Invited Position” and “Distinction” into a single “Professional Activities” section. Organizations can also now visualize what information on the profile is added by trusted organizations.

Researchers are also already prompted to add affiliation information to their profile when they register based on their email. In 2024, the plan is to then suggest relevant systems to them based on their affiliation that have ORCID integrated and can add trusted information to their profile.

A new cookie consent manager has been implemented in the ORCID registry and website so that ORCID is compliant with the latest cookie regulations worldwide, including the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications. At the same time, ORCID now has its own Data Protection Officer.

The full text of the annual report can be found here.

We believe that in 2024, new member organisations from the Czech Republic will be added through the National ORCID Centre and the ORCID registry will link with other systems in the Czech science and research environment. If your institution would like to join the ORCID National Centre, please contact us at orcid@techlib.cz.