Other PIDs


RAiD (Research Activity Identifier) is a persistent and globally unique identifier of research activities or projects. Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) is RAiD’s global registration authority standing behind the development of the RAiD system.

RAiD is intended to help bring together in one place and track over time critical information about research activities or projects – e.g. which organisations and researchers were involved and in which roles, which funders supported the projects, through which grants, what the outputs were (articles, datasets, etc.) RAiD links existing persistent identifiers of researchers, institutions, outputs, etc. with key project information to create a project timeline. The collection of information from across the research lifecycle is intended to enable a clear description of the relationships of all entities involved and, among other things, to simplify the reporting and evaluation of the results and impacts of the research activity or project.

To provide RAiD services, a strategic partnership between ARDC and DataCite, one of the DOI registration agencies, was established in March 2024. There are currently dynamic developments in this context. The National Centre for Persistent Identifiers is monitoring and reporting on developments around RAiD through updates and news on this website. Over the next few months it should become clearer whether the use of RAiD by Czech research organisations can be supported – methodologically and administratively as well as financially – by the service of the National DOI Centre.

If you are interested in using the RAiD identifier, please let us know at identifikatory@techlib.cz.

Updated: July 10, 2024

AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH DATA COMMONS. RAiD. Online. c2024, 2024. Available at: https://www.raid.org.au. [cit. 2024-07-10].
AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH DATA COMMONS. RAiD documentation. Online. C2023. Available at: https://documentation.raid.org/raid/. [cit. 2024-07-10].
DATACITE. RAiD. Online. 2024. Available at: https://datacite.org/raid. [cit. 2024-07-10].
DATACITE. DataCite & ARDC Announce Partnership to Deliver the RAiD Service. Online. 2024. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5438/tk44-dq06. [cit. 2024-07-10].

Information on other persistent identifiers will be added over time.