About us

This web is maintained by the National Centre for Persistent Identifiers (hereafter PID Centre) in cooperation with the National Library of the Czech Republic.

The PID Centre operates under the National Library of Technology (NTK). Its main objective is to provide administrative, coordination, methodological and financial support for the implementation and use of persistent identifiers (PIDs) compatible with European and international standards (ISSN, ORCID iD, DOI and others).

The PID Centre is composed of expert coordinators who collect and organise knowledge on PIDs and provide methodological support to institutions interested in using PIDs. The PID Centre also serves as a forum for exchanging and sharing experiences of institutions in the country with relevant identifiers.

The PID Centre operates with the support of the IPs CARDS (Czech Academic and Research Discovery Services) project from the Johannes Amos Comenius Operational Programme.

Contact us

ORCIDNational Library of Technologyorcid@techlib.cz
DOINational Library of Technologydoi@techlib.cz
ISSNNational Library of Technologyissn@techlib.cz
ISBNNational Library of the Czech Republicisbn@nkp.cz+420 221 663 306 (information about books with ISBN)
+420 221 663 173 (publisher registration)
ISMNNational Library of the Czech Republicismn@nkp.cz+420 221 663 311 (information about music with ISMN)
+420 221 663 173 (publisher registration)

If you have any questions about other persistent identifiers, please contact us at identifikatory@techlib.cz.

NTK Correspondence Address:

National Library of Technology
PID Centre
Technicka 6
160 80 Praha 6 – Dejvice

Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN address:

National Library of the Czech Republic
Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1
IČ 00023221

Correspondence Address:

Sodomkova 1146/2
102 00 Praha 15 – Hostivař