National DOI Centre 


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The National DOI Centre (NC DOI) was established in the first half of 2023 to support the implementation and effective use of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in research, development and innovation in the Czech Republic.

The NC DOI is coordinated by the National Centre for Persistent Identifiers (PID Centre), which is part of the National Library of Technology (NTK).

NC DOI Services

Using the DOI allocation services through the DataCite registration agency within the NC DOI provides your organisation with:

  1. Cover the financial cost of DataCite services from the CARDS project from 2023 to 2028 (NTK reserves the right to change the level of support),
  2. methodological support and support for basic technical problems with the allocation of DOIs by NTK,
  3. sharing of experience and good practice in the use of DOIs among users of National Centre services.

Who can use the NC DOI services

The use of the NC DOI services is open to all higher education institutions, research and other non-profit organisations active in the field of science, research and innovation located in the Czech Republic and producing research data, datasets and other types of outputs to which they assign or plan to assign DOI identifiers as part of their activities.


Do you want to start using NC DOI services? 

Contact us at

Need to ask a question?

Other questions can be answered at

You can also see community materials for users of the NC DOI services.

List of NC DOI members

InstitutionContact person
CESNETDavid Antoš: david.antos(at)
Czech University of Life Sciences PragueEva Kánská: kanska(at)
Charles UniversityMilan Janíček: milan.janicek(at)
Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of SciencesDavid Novák: novak(at)
Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of SciencesJan Dohnálek: jan.dohnalek(at)
Library of Czech Academy of SciencesRudolf Sýkora: arl(at)
Masaryk UniversityJiří Marek: marek(at)
National ArchivesŠárka Steinová: sarka.steinova(at)
National Library of TechnologyJakub Šindelář: doi(at)
Palacký University OlomoucTereza Motalová: tereza.motalova(at)
Research And Breeding Fruit Institute HolovousyMarkéta Vojtíšková: vojtiskova(at)