National PID Centre held a webinar “Introduction to Persistent Identifiers”

Representatives of the National Center for Persistent Identifiers conducted a webinar on March 22, 2024 entitled Introduction to Persistent Identifiers. The webinar was held under the Training Center of the EOSC-CZ initiative.

Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are the cornerstone of implementing the FAIR principles. Their effective use can greatly simplify the sharing of research results. The webinar explained what persistent identifiers are, introduced their types, and explained their use at different stages of the research cycle. Support for the introduction of persistent identifiers at the national level into the Czech research, development and innovation environment was presented. The lecturers Petra Černohlávková and Hana Heringová also focused in more detail on the introduction of the ORCID iD researcher identifier and how it can be best used in a scientific career.

The webinar participants gained a basic understanding of the role of persistent identifiers in the system of scientific communication. They learned about how the implementation of identifiers is supported in the Czech Republic. They learned in a practical way how to best use the ORCID iD researcher identifier for their needs.

The webinar was held in Czech with no translation.

More detailed information on the workshop can be found on the EOSC-CZ website.