NC ORCID kick-off meeting

On Thursday, June 15, 2023, NC ORCID members met for the first time. The meeting covered topics related to the functioning of NC ORCID and the effective use of ORCID services at institutions. The ORCID Member Portal was introduced and the Affiliation Manager tool was demonstrated. The presentation from the meeting is available in the …

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Workshop Persistent Identifiers in the Context of Open Science

On June 1, the National Center for Persistent Identifiers hosted a workshop on persistent identifiers and their importance in open science. Persistent identifiers, because of their persistence and interoperability, are essential for the efficient exchange and sharing of information about people and objects and are a necessary component of FAIR data. The workshop explored the …

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NTK establishes two new national centres that can help Czech scientists with bureaucracy

The newly established National ORCID and DOI Centres will help Czech researchers to use persistent identifiers to tackle bureaucracy and promote process efficiency within research organisations. On 1 June 2023, two new National Centres were established at the National Library of Technology in Prague – the National ORCID Centre (NC ORCID) and the National DOI …

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ISSN List of Multinational Publishers

The International ISSN Centre and the network of nearly 100 national ISSN Centres serve publishers who need unambiguous identification of their serial publications. The place of publication is crucial in determining the ISSN Centre, which is responsible for ISSN number assignment, record creation and management. If a publisher operates in more than one country at …

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Webinar on ORCID integration

On Thursday, April 13, 2023, from 4 to 5 pm, ORCID is hosting another in a series of webinars for its members. This time the webinar will focus on the integrations that institutions create to tailor their systems. You will learn how to develop your own integration and what you need to know before you …

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Option to add Data Management Plan as a result to ORCID profile

It is now also possible to add a Data Management Plan (DMP) to your ORCID profile as a result of your scientific work. If you create your DMP using DMPTool, your DMP will be assigned a DMP ID and will be added to your ORCID profile automatically.

IGSN ID registration via DataCite

The IGSN ID (International Generic Sample Number) is a unique and permanent identifier for physical samples (e.g. rocks, water, soil). The IGSN is operated by the International Generic Sample Number Organization (IGSN e.V.), an international registration agency. Organizations wishing to assign IGSNs must pay an annual membership fee to the IGSN e.V. Thanks to the …

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