Community Materials – National DOI Center

Foundational Materials

Familiatization with the obligations of NC DOI users

Persistent Identifiers in the Context of Open Science

Foundational Materials

Policy of the National DOI Centre

This policy governs the operation of National Center services. It defines the goals of the NC DOI and the responsibilities of the NTK and users of NC DOI services. It also addresses funding for DataCite services and which institutions may use these services. Finally, the policy addresses issues of privacy and the presentation and storage of materials produced as part of NC DOI activities. The full text of the policy is available in the NTK institutional repository: [in Czech only]

DataCite Services Contract Template

A sample contract for using the DataCite services through the National DOI Center s available in the NTK Institutional Repository: [in Czech only]

Familiatization with the obligations of NC DOI users

Familiarization with the obligations of NC DOI member institutions (service users) before creating a new repository (or prefix or new integration)
  • Your institution has notified NTK ( about the establishment of a new repository, including the number of DOIs it plans to allocate in it, and has had it checked for compliance with recommended best practices.
  • Your institution plans to assign DOIs in the new repository only to research results for which it is responsible.
  • For all DOIs allocated in the new repository, your institution will provide “landing pages” – permanent and publicly accessible pages to which the DOI will link. These Landing pages will contain metadata and other information about the relevant digital object according to DataCite best practice.
    • bibliographic citation of the object
    • DOI displayed as a URL
    • information about possible access to the object
    • copyright / authorship rights information and other description of the object
    • DOI is tagged in the page code
  • The metadata of DOIs registered by your institution in the new repository will correspond to the DataCite metadata schema (, at least version 4.3.
  • For DOIs assigned to content that will be deleted or otherwise no longer available, your institution will modify the DOI metadata and provide a “tombstone page” with similar information to the landing page including information about why the content the DOI was assigned to, is no longer available.
  • If your institution ceases to manage the content of the repository, it is prepared to make best efforts to maintain access and update the landing pages of its content.

Persistent Identifiers in the Context of Open Science

A workshop on persistent identifiers led by representatives from ORCID and DataCite was held on June 1, 2023 as part of the EOSC Tripartite Event. The workshop focused on the use of PIDs in the research cycle. It provided a detailed introduction to ORCID, the organization providing the ORCID iD people identifier, and DataCite, the registration agency that assigns the DOI digital object identifier. Examples of PIDs implementation abroad were also shown.

The recording of the workshop is available in the NTK institutional repository:

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