What is ISSN?

ISSN (abbreviation for International Standard Serial Number) is an eight-digit numeric code used to identify the title of a serial publication in the International ISSN Portal. You can find out more about ISSN here.

What is a serial publication?

It is a publication that is published under one title on any medium without a predetermined end date. It is published in parts, usually with a numerical or chronological designation (the exact definition is given in ISO 3297). ISSNs can be assigned to serial publications regardless of the period in which they were, are or will be published. The term includes not only periodicals – newspapers, journals, but also yearbooks, annual reports, proceedings, editorial series, etc.

Some issues have an X at the end. Isn’t that a mistake?

It is not a mistake. The last digit of the code is a check digit. If the result of calculating the check digit is ten, the Arabic 10 is replaced by a Roman X to maintain the eight-digit range of the code.

Can I use the same ISSN if I change the name of the journal?

If the title of a journal changes, the publisher is required to report the change in advance to the ISSN Centre and request an ISSN for the new title. Only minor changes in the title do not affect the ISSN and will be entered in the ISSN record as a so-called variant title.

Is it necessary to apply for a new ISSN if the publisher, its location, the periodicity of the periodical, etc. changes, but the title remains the same?

No, but the National ISSN Centre (NC ISSN) should be informed of the change (by email to issn@techlib.cz or by phone).

Is the ISSN also assigned to electronic publications?

Yes. ISSNs are assigned to electronic publications if they are serial publications or other so-called continuing resources (online journals, websites, etc.). However, commercial sites, personal blogs and websites, sites linking to other sites and some other types of sites are not assigned an ISSN.

I used to publish a paper journal, but I’m moving its publication to the Internet. Can I use the number of the print title?

No. You need to apply for an ISSN for the electronic version of the journal.

Is it possible to apply for an ISSN before the 1st issue is published?

Yes. The publisher must submit an application and a preview of the journal cover, title page, and masthead to the NC ISSN.

Who can apply for an ISSN?

The publisher or a person authorised by the publisher applies for an ISSN. A library can also apply for an ISSN.

Where should the ISSN be located?

On the first page of the cover, on the title page, or in the front matter. If a publication is identified by an ISSN and an ISBN at the same time, both should be given.

How much does it cost to assign an ISSN?

The allocation of an ISSN is free of charge.

How to get an ISSN for printed continuing resources?

An ISSN can be assigned to a continuing resource if it meets the following definition:

  • It is published periodically under the same title with no predetermined end date.
  • It is published in parts, single volumes or volumes with a numerical or chronological designation.
  • It complies with the requirements of Act No 46/2000 Coll. – the Press Act (if it falls within the scope of this Act) – the publisher is a natural or legal person who, on their own behalf and under their responsibility, ensures the content, publication, and public distribution to an unspecified group of persons; the printed materials are published under the same name, with the same content focus in a uniform graphic design at least twice a year.
  • The publisher of the publication has its registered office in the Czech Republic, the registered office must be indicated in the cover page.
  • If the publication is simultaneously published on two or more different media (paper, CD, diskette, Internet, etc.), each version has its own ISSN.

ISSNs are not assigned to the following types of printed continuing resources: 

  • advertising and promotional titles, crossword puzzles, offer catalogues, titles intended for a very narrow range of readers, with a small scope, titles with a narrowly local theme, i.e. newsletters of municipalities, towns, schools, etc. Sources which are suspected of falling within the definition of Sections 191, 355 and 356 of the Criminal Code (40/2009 Coll.).

These sources are not assigned an ISSN even if they meet the general definition of a continuing source. 
The decision whether or not to assign an ISSN is fully within the competence of the National ISSN Centre (NC ISSN) on behalf of the International ISSN Centre.

Publisher obligations

The publisher/editor is obliged to comply in particular with the following rules established by the ISSN system:

  • The publisher is obliged to indicate the name to which the ISSN is assigned in identical wording on the cover, title page and in the cover. The ISSN must be published in each edition of the title, and should appear on the title page, in the imprint, or on the cover.
  • The publisher is obliged to provide the NC ISSN with one sample copy of the ISSN necessary for the processing of the bibliographic record in the database, immediately after the publication.
  • The publisher is obliged to cooperate with the NC ISSN and, on request, to submit the current edition of the registered publications for checking.
  • The publisher is obliged to notify the NC ISSN of any changes in publishing (change of title, publisher, periodicity, termination of publication, etc.).
  • The publisher of a printed periodical that falls within the scope of the Press Law is obliged to comply with the provisions of this Law.

The publisher shall apply for the allocation of an ISSN by completing and submitting an electronic application form. Along with the application form, the NC ISSN also archives a copy of the title page of the continuing source, which demonstrates the connection of the title with the relevant ISSN.

How to get an ISSN for online continuing resources

An ISSN can be assigned to an online continuing resource that meets the following definition:

  • Its publisher is based in the Czech Republic.
  • It is published periodically under the same title with no predetermined end date. The title given on the application form must match the title on the title screen, pdf, archive.
  • It is published either in parts with numerical or chronological designation, or as an editorially managed website containing the full text of articles. New articles are added with a certain, predetermined frequency, and each article must be marked with the date of its appearance on the site.
  • It has an accessible archive of the full texts of the articles published so far.
  • At the time of application for ISSN, the site must be fully functional (filled with content, minimum of 5 articles).
  • The site includes the name of the publisher, the publisher’s registered office and a named contact for the editorial office (editorial responsibility must rest with more than 1 person).
  • If the publication is simultaneously published on two or more different media, each version has its own ISSN.

ISSNs are not assigned to the following types of continuing resources accessible on the Internet:

  • Advertising and promotional websites, websites mainly offering products, goods and services, catalogues, photo galleries, gaming, music and related websites, personal websites, weblogs, diaries, Q&A, online newsletters of municipalities, cities, schools and other resources containing information for a narrow range of visitors. These resources are not a priority for the ISSN system.
  • Resources that contain only presentations, abstracts (annotations) of articles without access to the full text.
  • Sources that mainly link to other sites.
  • Sources suspected of fulfilling the definition of Articles 191, 355 and 356 of the Criminal Code (40/2009 Coll.). These sources are not assigned an ISSN even if they meet the general definition of a continuing source.

The National ISSN Centre (NC ISSN) reserves the right not to assign an ISSN if the publisher provides incomplete, misleading or unverifiable information concerning the publication of the electronic journal (publisher’s address, place of publication, affiliations of the editorial board and editorial board members, data on the indexing of the journal in international registers and databases, etc.).

Publisher obligations

The publisher/editor is obliged to comply in particular with the following rules set out by the ISSN system:

  • The title must be explicitly stated in the header of the first page when the first page is displayed.
  • The ISSN should be placed close to the title, possibly in the section on publishing data. 
  • The publisher is obliged to report any changes in the publication of the NC ISSN (change of title, URL redirection, change of publisher, termination of publication, etc.). 
  • It is recommended to indicate the ISSN in the source code.

The publisher applies for the assignment of an ISSN by completing and submitting an electronic application form. Along with the application, the ISSN also archives a copy of the title page of the continuing source, which documents the connection

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