Webinar I’m a Member, Now What?! — How to talk about ORCID

A webinar from ORCID on promoting ORCID iD at member institutions was held on Thursday, September 28, 2023.

This session focused on how to communicate about ORCID to increase adoption within your organization. ORCID will provide communication resources, tips, and tools that can help lead to successful ORCID adoption throughout your organization.

The recording of the webinar can be accessed here: https://orcid-org.zoom.us/rec/share/5RcXAMxD8KoBNLpzYT_6LH12e6sOBTVV7CJ8SigkxMz903y6vVhaId9uF-q6z2HX.X_UZTfyhvucjcs06

The presentation and handouts can be accessed here: https://orcid.filecamp.com/s/o/hi7VEmodUxkJMOdn/kq2500BlAVxvZBX8