A webinar on How to talk about ORCID will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm and is available to NC ORCID members.
This is the sixth session in the I’m a Member, Now What?! webinar series. As ORCID members, you may have already started ORCID integration and are wondering how to get your researchers to use ORCID more. Or maybe you are just developing your integration. Or maybe you’re just in the early stages and wondering how you can get more support from your colleagues for integration planning. It’s never too early – or too late – to start talking to your researchers and colleagues about ORCID. How well you talk about ORCID can affect the success of your own integration and the level of satisfaction your researchers have with using it. This webinar focuses on how to communicate about ORCID to increase its adoption by researchers in your organization, and how to communicate about ORCID with your colleagues to gain support for integrating your systems with ORCID.
Time will be reserved for questions at the end of the presentation. Even if you are unable to attend, we encourage you to register to receive the recording, presentation, and handouts after the webinar concludes.