Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN

The function of the Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN (CNA ISBN and ISMN) is performed by the National Library of the Czech Republic according to the Library Act (see also §9 (2) (c) of Act No. 257/2001 Coll.)

Who can use the CNA ISBN and ISMN services

The CNA ISBN and ISMN provides support at the national level mainly to:

  • legal and natural persons established in the Czech Republic publishing books and/or e-books and/or audiobookssheet music and/or e-sheet music,
  • libraries cataloguing books, e-books, audiobooks, music and e-music.

For the provision of services to natural persons, it is irrelevant whether they have an ID number or not.

CNA ISBN and ISMN services

  • Administratively administers and manages the ISBN and ISMN systems at the national level.
  • It assigns publisher identifiers to publishing entities registered in the ISBN and ISMN systems.
  • It builds and manages the Directory of Publishers in the Czech Republic (NAK) containing a register of assigned publisher identifiers.
  • Assigns, on request, individual ISBNs to books, e-books and audiobooks published in the ISBN system by non-registered entities and individual ISMNs to music books and e-music published in the ISMN system by non-registered entities.
  • It manages the database of notified books, sheet music, cartographic materials and audiobooks (ISN) and notified e-books, e-sheet music and e-audiobooks (ISN-e).
  • It assigns individual ISBNs for retrospective numbering of books published without ISBNs and individual ISMNs for retrospective numbering of music published without ISMNs.
  • It provides a replacement ISBN for books published with a duplicate number and a replacement ISMN for music books published with a duplicate number.

ISBN-registered publishers number books published from their ISBN set, and ISMN-registered publishers number music books published from their ISMN set.

Related resources


National Library of the Czech Republic
Czech National Agency for ISBN and ISMN
Klementinum 190
110 00 Praha 1
IČ 00023221

Correspondence address:

Sodomkova 1146/2
102 00 Praha 15 – Hostivař

E-mail: isbn@nkp.czE-mail:
221 663 306 (information about books with ISBN),
221 663 173 (publisher registration)
221 663 311 (information about printed music with ISMN),
221 663 173 (publisher registration)

Source: National Library of the Czech Republic

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